We are ready to answer your
question on your mind.

For You, Suppliers

Can all businesses registered on DepoDone order my products besides my own sales channels?

Yes, all businesses registered on DepoDone can order your products! By making your products available to hundreds of businesses within the DepoDone network, you can increase your sales and expand your market.

In which regions does DepoDone provide services?

Currently, DepoDone provides services across all London zones. In the future, we aim to expand our service network.

How do you use a communication system for my customers' questions or problems?

DepoDone offers a comprehensive and efficient communication system to address our customers' questions and concerns. Our customers can reach us through all of our communication channels whenever they need support.

Is it possible to tailor DepoDone to my specific requirements?

Yes, you can choose specific services to fit your business needs. DepoDone offers flexible and customizable solutions, allowing you to use only the services you need, such as order management, delivery tracking, storage, or invoicing. Click the link for our service packages.

When and how will I receive payments when working with DepoDone?

At DepoDone, timely and efficient payments are our top priority. Payment terms are determined based on agreements between suppliers and customers.

What are the requirements to join the DepoDone platform?

To join the DepoDone platform, food producers in the UK must have a valid business registration with Companies House and a VAT number.

What are the commission rates for using DepoDone's services?

DepoDone offers customized solutions based on the specific services you require and the characteristics of your products. To get a clearer picture of our commission fees, we've prepared a sample calculation sheet. Please click on the link to view it.

For Your Business Customers, Buyers

My supplier has invited me to use DepoDone to order products from them. Do I have to pay any additional fees for this?

No, you do not need to pay any additional fees when you start using DepoDone at the invitation of your supplier. DepoDone does not charge any additional fees for invited users. You can easily order your supplier's products using our application.

Can I order any product I want from the DepoDone app?

Yes, using the DepoDone app, you can order any product listed on the app that can be shipped to your region. You can easily access all products and create orders to meet your needs.

In which region do I need to be to order via DepoDone?

To place an order through DepoDone, you must be located in London.

Who can I contact if I have any questions or problems?

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to the DepoDone support team via the 'Contact Us' button in our mobile app or through our other communication channels.

Can I only join the DepoDone platform through my supplier?

No, you don't need only your supplier's invitation to join the DepoDone platform. You can also join the platform by applying directly to DepoDone. By making your own application, you can benefit from all the supply chain solutions offered by DepoDone.

What is the minimum order amount to place an order through DepoDone?

To place an order on DepoDone, please note that there is a minimum order value of £40 for products that we ship directly to you. For items shipped by our suppliers, the minimum order amount can differ based on the individual policies of each supplier.

When will my orders be delivered?

DepoDone commits to shipping products from our warehouse within 1-3 business days. For products shipped by our suppliers, delivery times may vary depending on the supplier's specific timeline. You can view estimated delivery times for each product on our mobile app when placing your order.

How are product prices determined on DepoDone?

Product prices on DepoDone are set by our suppliers. They determine prices based on factors such as product costs, market conditions, and competition. DepoDone works closely with suppliers to ensure fair and transparent pricing. You can easily view the latest prices for all listed products on our platform and place your orders accordingly

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Bringing suppliers and businesses together on digital platforms. Managing the entire supply chain from end to end.


Ph: +447512056624

Office: Aston House, Cornwall Avenue, London, United Kingdom, N3 1LF


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